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A socket to access remote FlitBase file.



1. DataLogIn
Login to server for database access.
2. Zap
Clear the content of the remote database.
3. GetFileHeader
Retreive a remote FlitBase file header.
4. FindRecord
Find a record according to the give parameters in current FlitBase file.
5. Search
Search for the records that matched the given keyword.
6. GetTypeList
Get a list of records with the given type.
7. RemoveAllIndex
Remove all index for the specified record type in current FlitBase file.
8. Reindex
Recreate an index as specified by the given parameters.
9. GetIndex
Retrieve the index for the given parameters.
10. GetSearchIndex
Retreive an index specially used by build-in search engine.
11. Skip
Skip the record position in remote database.
12. AddNewRecord
Add a new record into remote database.
13. GetRealRecord
Retrieve a record from remote database according to the given reference.
14. ReadRecord
Retrieve a record from remote database.
15. GetRecordList
Retrieve a record list for given list type and record type.
16. ReadRecordHeader
Retrieve a record header (a fix structure part of a record).
17. WriteRecord
Write a record into remote database.
18. Count
Retrieve the number of records with given type in remote database.
19. RemoveRecord
Remove a record from remote database.
20. GetNextID
Retrieve the next unused id from remote database.
21. GetTypeUniqueID
Returns the smallest unused id for given type.
22. GetTypeNextID
Gets the next id for the given type in current remote file.
23. GetUpdateDateTime
Retrieve the record last updated date and time.
24. AddNewSubRecord
Add a new subrecord into a base record in remote database.
25. WriteSubRecord
Write a subrecord into a base record in remote database.
26. ReadSubRecord
Retrieve a subrecord from remote database.
27. SmartRecordRead
Read a record with a smart decision from remote database.
28. RemoveSubRecord
Remove a subrecord from remote database.
29. AddNewCard
Add a new card record into remote database.
30. SaveCard
Save a card record into the remote database.
31. RemoveCard
Remove a card record from a remote database.
32. AddNewBill
Add a new card record into remote database.
33. SaveBill
34. RemoveBill
35. Disconnet
Close the socket connection.
36. IsUniqueCode
Test the existance of the given code.
37. GetNextAutoCode
Retreive the next code suggested by system for given card type.
38. SaveAutoCode
Save the code information to be used to generate the next code.
39. Hash
Preparing the text for build-in search engine.
40. SearchAdv
Advance record search using the build in search engine system.


CMirrorSocket, CLedgerSock

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